Ramona Francina - Sambal with a Moluccan Twist

Sambal with a Moluccan Twist

Exploring the Fiery Heart of Moluccan Cuisine

Een boek van Ramona Francina

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10/16/2023 thrilled to announce the release of “Sambal with a Moluccan Twist,” My English edition of a culinary masterpiece authored by Ramona Francina. This book takes readers on a flavorful journey into the world of sambal, where spice and passion converge.Immerse yourself in the enchanting flavors of Moluccan cuisine and explore the secret recipes, family heirlooms passed down through generations, and personal narratives by the author. Ramona Francina, a passionate Moluccan writer, breathes life into her love for cooking and culture within the pages of this captivating book.”Sambal with a Moluccan Twist” is not just a cookbook; it’s a celebration of heritage, passion, and the power of taste. It invites readers to tantalize their taste buds with the spicy and aromatic universe of sambal, offering recipes suitable for both.

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