Pure Malt Whisky Stories
63.5 extraordinary single malt stories
Een boek van Fernand Dacquin
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What connects Samuel Maverick, Mary Dowling, Cornelis Melyn, and Burebista to whisky? Which distillery was the birthplace of the IRA's rebellion? Why should you not mix up Bottled-in-Bond with Bottle-in-box? Which dynamic distillery proudly claims, "If it gets someone drunk, we'll make it" as their team motto?
What led to the murder of skilled distiller William Johnston by the enchanting Lou Parris? Which whisky was packaged in a tin can that needed to be opened like sardines, using a key? And exactly how much whisky is in a 'tot' and a 'sniffer'?
If these questions have piqued your curiosity, the answers (and many more) await you in this book's 63.5 surprising and often humorous whisky anecdotes.
The author, drawing on his extensive experience as a travel and whisky journalist, shares these stories in his signature tongue-in-cheek style. Readers of his previous works will recognize the unpredictability of each story. This book pairs perfectly with a fine whisky.
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