Tom Rutjens en Oanh Ha Thi Ngoc - Low-carb Recipes Oanh's kitchen

Low-carb Recipes Oanh's kitchen

includes 4 weekly menus

Een boek van Tom Rutjens en Oanh Ha Thi Ngoc

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Dit boek is de Engelse vertaling van “Koolhydraatarme Recpten uit Oanh’s Kitchen” - Low Carb Recipes Oanh’s Kitchen is a translation of the origional version Koolhydraatarme Recepten uit Oanh’s Kitchen. A cookbook with all easy to make recipes written by the foodblogger Oanh Ha Thi Ngoc.The number of carbs are mentioned with the recipes. Also 4 weekly menus are included - English version from the Dutch bestseller “Koolhydraatarme Recepten uit Oanh’s Kitchen”. All the favorite recipes form foodblogger Oanh bundeled in a low-carb cookbook, together with a lot of new recipes. In this way you also can enjoy the low-carb dishes. All coming from Oanh’s Kitchen. The recipes includes 20 to 30 carbs a day, mostly half from vegetables. Lossing weight in a low-carb way. What a nice thing to do! Enjoy!

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