Bart Ardijns - 40 amazing desserts

40 amazing desserts

Een boek van Bart Ardijns

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Wij maken uw kookboeken, zoals 40 amazing desserts, online doorzoekbaar zodat u uw favoriete recepten snel weer terugvindt. Lees er meer over op onze homepage of word direct gratis lid en vertel ons welke kookboeken u thuis hebt staan.

Belgian patissier Bart Ardijns presents 15 successful classic desserts in a highly creative way. With a master’s touch and the necessary dose of inventiveness he has also developed 20 original top desserts in a wide variety of tastes, textures, colours, ingredients and design! And for people with food allergies he has composed 5 allergen-free desserts with the utmost care.With Bart’s precise descriptions of the various basic recipes and techniques, both amateur pastrycooks and professional patissiers can set to work with pleasure and success.

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