Speciality Coffee
Growing coffee-coffee roasting-making coffe-the coffee business-drinking coffee
Een boek van Katrien Pauwels
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Coffee is an inseparable part of our culture. We get up in the morning with it, and it helps us through the day. A cup comforts us, helps us to handle difficult moments and is a high point of pleasant social interaction.
In this book, coffee professional Katrien Pauwels shares all the knowledge she has gathered through many years. Coffee novices, seasoned coffee lovers and professionals will all find plenty to their liking in this book, which describes all the effort involved in bringing us our daily cup of coffee. It covers it all, from coffee bean varieties, the influence of the roast on flavour, to choosing the best coffee for you and the right way to brew it, and it even offers an overview of coffee roasters in Europe. There is a dedicated chapter for entrepreneurs, which focuses on doing business in and with coffee.
- Absolute must-have voor de koffieliefhebber en -professional
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