Jenny Blom - Delicious Recipes with Mung Beans and Herbs

Delicious Recipes with Mung Beans and Herbs

Dairy & Gluten Free

Een boek van Jenny Blom

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In ancient 2500 old Ayurveda scriptures is told that, to heal your body, detoxing is the most important thing to do.When you eat the ingredients and recipes mentioned in this book, you will start to feel more energetic and happier, and many ailments will disappear in miraculous ways.Don’t just believe it but try it out for a few weeks and you will notice a difference.All recipes in this book are mouthwateringly delicious!“Create strong digestion and improve your immunity, using the powerful ancient Siddha-Veda principles to change your life forever…”As told to Dr. Naram in Nepal by his master Baba Ramdasji, at the age of 124.Staying healthy with detoxing is good, but for people who love eating, it is essential to make sure that the food you eat is tasty and good-looking. With these recipes, you have the knowledge of how and when to eat healthy and tasty whilst you are detoxing your body and mind. Based on the Indian Ayurvedic recipes and adjusted slightly to make them even better in taste. Enjoy!

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