Sergio Herman, Tony Le Duc, Stephan Vanfleteren en stephan Vanfleteren - Sergiology


Een boek van Sergio Herman, Tony Le Duc, Stephan Vanfleteren en stephan Vanfleteren

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‘SERGIOLOGY’ is the new art object/book by Sergio Herman, the three-Michelin-starred chef of Oud Sluis restaurant in Sluis (NL). I’SERGIOLOGY’ is not a cookbook pure and simple. It is an art object-book with unique photographs by Stephan Vanfleteren and Tony Le Duc. It is a period piece which allows Sergio Herman to express his emotions and creativity and explain how these came to fruition. This book is much more than just cooking. It is a veritable experience and Sergio wants nothing more than to take you with him on a trip around his world and thought processes.SERGIOLOGY contains more than 50 of Sergio’s latest creations, all of which he put his heart and soul into. These recipes - supplemented with 60 basics -willgive you the means to create no less than 250 different preparations.

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