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L’Art de la Table is perhaps the most romantic Mediterranean cookbook ever published. It started with an admiration for the Mediterrane¬an Region, its customs, its scent and the colours that we all know too well from our holidays to the Mediterranean. The French way of life, com¬bined with an aperitif culture and long dinners during the long hot evenings at the seaside are the sources of inspiration for self-made pho¬tographer and culinary author Gintare Marcel. L’Art de la Table takes the reader through the Mediterranean areas with familiar as well as unknown recipes for culinary delights for every moment of the day. From pastas, soups and main courses to snacks; more than 100 interna¬tional recipes with really magnificent photogra-phy. But with her images Gintare also shows the reader the areas she loves so much and of which she is part of. From the women in the market or the pub on the corner to the family dinners in the garden with children and friends.
Freshly prepared with seasonal ingredients for a healthy meal and in particular ‘a way of life’: sit down and enjoy a generous meal.
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