Barbara Serulus en Elise van Iterson - Fizz


Een boek van Barbara Serulus en Elise van Iterson

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Fermentation produces fantastic non-alcoholic drinks. Think of a fresh and tart kombucha, a thirst-quenching water kefir, or an earthy beet kvass…they all fizz with healthy bacteria and they all surprise you with their complex taste. More and more, you’ll see these drinks offered in top restaurants and cocktail bars. But you can also make them yourself. Fermented drinks, with their natural sparkle and slightly yeasty taste, are a great alternative to wine or beer. They are perfect for those who want to consume less alcohol and those who want to give a probiotic boost to their body. This book tells you everything you need to know to brew these healthy and alcohol-free drinks yourself. You will find accessible recipes with step-by-step illustrations, scientific background information on the fermentation process, and ‘juicy’ anecdotes about the origin of these extraordinary drinks. - Fermentation produces fantastic non-alcoholic drinks. Think of a fresh and tart kombucha, a thirst-quenching water kefir, or an earthy beet kvass… They all fizz with healthy bacteria and they all surprise you with their complex taste. More and more, you’ll see these drinks offered in top restaurants and cocktail bars. But you can also make them yourself.Fermented drinks, with their natural sparkle and slightly yeasty taste, are a great alternative to wine or beer. They are perfect for those who want to consume less alcohol and those who want to give a probiotic boost to their body. This book tells you everything you need to know to brew these healthy and alcohol-free drinks yourself. You will find accessible recipes with step-by-step illustrations, scientific background information on the fermentation process, and ‘juicy’ anecdotes about the origin of these extraordinary drinks.

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