Hendrik Dierendonck - The Butcher’s Book

The Butcher’s Book

Een boek van Hendrik Dierendonck

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Hendrik and his father Raymond Dierendonck have grown in recent years into the benchmark for everything to do with meat. They supply only the highest quality and are followed by any number of top chefs. Dierendonck is one of the pioneers of the international ‘nose-to-tail’ philosophy, in which literally every part of the slaughtered animal is utilised. He has specialised particularly in the processing and maturing of exceptional meat, including from the Belgian Red cattle breed from West Flanders.Enjoy the most delicious classic cuts from the butcher’s counter; wonder at the craft and skill of the butcher; and learn to process and prepare meat in the Dierendonck style from the dozens of adventurous and timeless recipes in this book. The Butcher’s Book has grown into a true cult publication in recent years and has now been supplemented with more than twenty achievable, refined recipes from his starred restaurant Carcasse.With text contributions from Hendrik Dierendonck, René Sépul, Marijke Libert and Stijn Vanderhaeghe, and high-class photographs by Thomas Sweertvaegher, Piet Dekersgieter and Stephan Vanfleteren.

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